
nooooooooo I’M SICK.

Doing better than yesterday, but still sick. What’s up with this bug that’s going around, it’s terrible! Could very well be a mini flu. Anyway, this was me yesterday. I could barely move, I went through a box of tissues in one day, and finally started watching Tru Blood. I kept wanting to drink V juice so’s I could get better. 

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!

A SAD FATE FOR PIZZA DAY DIS WEEK. Zoë – our amazing artist – is recovering from a flu that has knocked her out. Regular comics will resume next week, but rather than leave you all empty handed we wanted to give you a preview of a little thing we’ve been working on…

This is Toad Boy! A cheery lad who just wants to help everybody! Astute Pizza Day readers may remember him from last January’s comic, “Toad Boy in ‘Sweet Nothings’.” He’s since then taken on a life of his own here at PDC HQ. You’re likely to see more of him soon…

Serving up silly + weird gag comics every Friday!